
Preparation & Integration for Psychedelic Experiences

Psychedelic medicines can be powerful and supportive tools for healing. However, in order to explore expanded states of consciousness, our bodies first need to feel safe enough to let go and allow the experience to take place. In the context of psychedelic therapy, this is especially important as psychedelics are part of a ‘bottom'-up’ process. This means that the medicine interprets information through somatic and sensory channels, rather than a highly cognitive/‘top-down’ approach.

At the same time, psychedelics are “non-specific amplifiers,” meaning they amplify what’s already inside of us. —If we think for a moment about all the uncomfortable feelings or painful memories we’ve been avoiding or have tried to mask over the years, there’s a lot that the medicine can reveal and bring up to surface.

Whether you are preparing for a journey or are integrating one, these sessions are designed to support you and empower your relationship with your own inner-healing intelligence. Weaving together somatics, breathwork, mindfulness and sound, these sessions can help you:

  • refine your intention

  • (re-)connect with your body and your innate wisdom within

  • build a relationship of trust and safety within yourself, which may help you “drop in” more easily or integrate difficult material

  • open your energy channels

  • establish a sense of Resource, which can be supportive when challenging moments arise in the medicine, or following

As well as:

  • move and release energy that may have not “resolved“ in the medicine

  • integrate and embody insights gained from your experience